Technology also provides digital inspections that give drivers like you a window into why a shop is recommending a repair or service on your vehicle. In the past, shops used paper inspection sheets that consisted of check marks on color swatches and illegible writing that supposedly told you the condition of the different systems on your vehicle. Making any sense of what was listed on these sheets was many times near impossible. You had to depend on the word of the advisor to understand what the numbers meant when it came to tires and brakes.
Digital vehicle inspections, sometimes referred to as DVIs, change this. When one of West Highlands Auto Repair techs performs this crucial inspection on your car or truck, he or she will use a digital tablet to make notes of findings and measurements. Even better, the technician will take multiple pictures, and even video, to give you the same point of view that they have. You will see what they see so that you can better understand the importance of what is being discussed. The tech even has the ability to draw on the pictures so that you can see exactly what they want to share with you.
West Highlands Auto Repair uses digital inspections from BOLT ON TECHNOLOGY so that you can make informed decisions on the repairs and services needed for your vehicle. Currently we are one of the few shops in Wheat Ridge that offers these inspections. Using these inspections, West Highlands Auto Repair wants to be sure that you fully understand what the condition of your car or truck is. Better yet, you can keep copies of these inspections for reference and comparison to future inspections. You can build a history of the repairs and maintenance you have performed on your vehicle building more value in your car or truck when it comes time to sell it.
Once the inspection is completed by the technician. Your service advisor will edit it and put together estimates on any work that they are recommending. The advisor will then text the inspection right to your smart phone where you can, with a couple of taps, see pictures, video and clear descriptions of what was found and what needs to be done. (If you wish, West Highlands Auto Repair can either email or print the inspection out for you if you wish.) You can be on the phone with the advisor while looking over your inspection and discuss the necessary items to take care of while having a complete idea of why.
Digital Courtesy Inspections
Technology has increased the number of miles and time that can pass between visits to shops like West Highlands Auto Repair for service. Yet tires, brakes and other vehicle parts will still suffer from wear and tear as your ride is driven around Wheat Ridge. This makes performing a comprehensive vehicle inspection during each visit mandatory to maintain the safety and smooth operation of your vehicle.

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